Architecture Week Celebrates Building Communities in NB

 September 30, 2016

For Immediate Release: September 30th, 2016

Architecture Week Celebrates Building Communities in NB

World Architecture Day, Monday, October 3rd, kicks off a week-long provincial celebration of how architecture impacts our lives and builds our communities.

“Each and every day we walk by, enter, work and live in the buildings around us, yet we don’t always take the time to stop and see them,” commented Darroch White, AANB President. “Architecture Week is an opportunity to encourage each of us to pause and admire the buildings that shape our lives and build our communities.”

The week will kick off with a free public lecture presented by renowned Montreal-based architects yh2 (yiacouvakis hamelin, architectes). The lecture will be a celebration of contemporary architecture and will begin at 7:30 pm at La Boîte Théâtre, Caraquet.

“Throughout the week we will be highlighting significant buildings across the province through online profiles,” continued White, “and we are asking residents to share with us the building in their community, or the province, that inspires them.”

The online content and contest will run all week long and can be found on the AANB website, Facebook and Twitter accounts under the hashtag #ArchitectureMatters.

To conclude the week, two open house events will be held on Saturday, October 8th. The first at the CCNB Head Office in Bathurst from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and the second at the Campbellton Centennial Library from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Each will be led by a local architect providing attendees with a look into not just the building but the process of creating a space that inspires and meets the needs of the community.

For information on all of the building profiles, events and architecture in New Brunswick, visit

The Architects’ Association of New Brunswick is the self-regulating body, established for the purpose of advancing and maintaining the standards of architecture and regulating those offering architectural services in the province.


For more information, contact:

Karen L. Chantler, Hon. MRAIC, Executive Director
Architects’ Association of New Brunswick
Office: 1-506-433-5811
Email Address:


Dawn Binns, Partner
Insight Brand and Marketing Studio
Cell: 1-902-393-2050
Email Address:





