Faces of Architecture – Carrie McMath

Faces of Architecture – Carrie McMath

 October 08, 2019


Name: Carrie McMath

How long have you been in business? I have been working in New Brunswick for about 3 years.

What’s a recent project you worked on in New Brunswick? The Tibbits Hall Residence Renovation at University of New Brunswick

Why do you love being an architect? I love the variety of projects, clients and tasks which keep things fresh. Each day has a new challenge which I enjoy as each project comes with its own set of criteria and objectives.

What piece of New Brunswick architecture inspires you and why? The way I see New Brunswick architecture is mostly through a landscape lens; I am inspired by the way Architects have interacted with (or fought against) the landscape over the course of our local history. It can be seen through major structures that sit proudly on tops of hills or are tucked deeply into the land.

What’s a “must see” piece of architecture in New Brunswick? New Brunswick has many beautiful and creative pieces of architecture, it’s difficult to highlight just one. Instead I would say that we have a very rich selection of churches which range from traditional to modern and everything in-between. I particularly like to look at how churches have been repurposed into housing and event space, allowing these buildings to have a second life.

What piece of advice would you offer to someone considering architecture as a career? I would encourage someone who was interested in Architecture to visit a firm and talk to an Architect about their career to see if it might be a good fit for them.





