First Maritime Architectural Design Excellence Awards Taking Place in 2018

First Maritime Architectural Design Excellence Awards Taking Place in 2018

 October 05, 2017

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE– The Architects’ Association of Prince Edward Island, the Architects’ Association of New Brunswick and the Nova Scotia Association of Architects have announced the details of the first Maritime Architectural Design Excellence Awards, which will be taking place in 2018.

“We are very happy to come together with our neighbouring associations to put these Awards in place. They will celebrate and showcase the talent and expertise of architects for completed projects in our region,” shared Darrin Dunsford, President of the Architects’ Association of Prince Edward Island.

The Awards taking place every two years, will recognize outstanding architectural design excellence by Architects for projects completed in the Maritime Provinces.

“Architecture is such an important part of building our communities. It inspires our regions’ vibrant culture and fosters innovation in community building and planning. This tri-provincial award will help recognize talented architects who contribute greatly to this process,” stated Darroch White, President of the Architects’ Association of New Brunswick.

The Architects’ Association of Prince Edward Island, the Architects’ Association of New Brunswick and the Nova Scotia Association of Architects invite all Architects and Firms licensed with the AAPEI, AANB and NSAA during the eligibility period to participate in the competition. To enter a submission, a completed intent to submit form and accompanying fee must be submitted to the Architects’ Association of New Brunswick by January 31st, 2018.

“We look forward to receiving submissions and sharing with our region the passion and skills that architects bring to every project and Maritime communities,” said Gregory MacNeil, President of the Nova Scotia Association of Architects.

The competition will result in one Maritime Architectural Design Excellence Award in each of four categories, including Single/Multi-Family Residential, Commercial, Public/Institutional and Public Outdoor Spaces.

Judging will consist of a jury of three national and international individuals selected by the AAPEI, AANB, and NSAA, with the inaugural Awards being presented at the 2018 RAIC/AANB Festival of Architecture being held in Saint John, New Brunswick from May 30th-June 2nd. All submissions will be included in a digital magazine as a way to showcase the Maritime projects.

For more information on the Maritime Architectural Design Awards, please visit


About the Architects’ Association of New Brunswick

The Architects’ Association of New Brunswick (AANB) is a corporate self-regulating body, established in 1933, for the purpose of advancing and maintaining the standards of architecture in New Brunswick, for governing and regulating those offering architectural services and for the safeguarding of members of the general public and the profession.


About the Architects’ Association of Prince Edward Island

The Architect’s Association of Prince Edward Island (AAPEI) is the self-regulating body formed to administer and regulate the practice of Architecture in the province of PEI. They are committed to promoting and increasing public understanding of architecture and the professional services of our members, through community activities, and educational sessions.


About the Nova Scotia Association of Architects

The Nova Scotia Association of Architects (NSAA) is a self-governing professional association established in 1932, to serve and protect the public interest and advance the profession of architecture in Nova Scotia.


For the 2018 event, questions may be directed by email to:







