September 13, 2010
Please be advised that Regulation 82-20 of the Fire Prevention Act was changed on December 1st, 2011 to accept the 2010 National Building Code (with the exception of Parts 2 and 7 of Division B of Volume 2) and the 2010 National Fire Code. Please be advised [...]
Read MoreApril 24, 2009
MONCTON, NB Hollis Cole, CEO of ADI Group Inc., was all smiles last night as he accepted the Award for Sustainability from the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies – New Brunswick at their annual showcase awards in Moncton. “ADI is a leader in Sustainable Design and it is [...]
Read MoreJune 27, 2008
Speech by the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Honorary FRAIC Alexander Rankin, Chairman of the College of Fellows, Kiyoshi Matzuzaki, President of the Institute, Malcolm Boyd, President of the New Brunswick Association, distinguished guests, guest speakers, friends in architecture, chers amis en architecture, I am [...]
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